Review: KKCenterHk's ES Honey Butterfly Rose Paper Eyelashes [ES-Paper-14]

Review: KKCenterHk's ES Honey Butterfly Rose Paper Eyelashes [ES-Paper-14]

Hola Beauties!
Last month I reviewed ES-A503 eyelashes that was kindly sent by KkCenterHk (Review here) and I also received this paper eyelashes for review purposes. For all of you who are not familiar with KkCenterHk, I suggest you to check out their site here coz they provide a large selection of beauty products such as false eyelashes, wig, nail arts products, eye makeup products, etc. 

So... This time, let me share my experience of using this gorgeous and quirky paper eyelashes, ES Paper 14. To be honest, these are the first paper eyelashes I've ever tried and I was very excited to see how they'd come out. If you're wondering why I chose this lashes, that because I always love to try something unique and extravagant design of false eyelashes and this one is no exception. Mine is ES Honey Butterfly Rose Paper Eyelashes, and they were made of purely paper. They also come in small transparent plastic box and each box contains 1 pair.

The charming rose let the little butterflies want to come close to them. Let your eyes become charming and attract others. This special eyelash can make your eyes more charming, let you become the focus.

Brand New With Original Retail Packing Box
One Pair In Box
100% Authentic
Main Materials : Paper

*If you want to re-use, please be careful when you use this eyelash*

I've wanted to try paper lashes for so long and thanks to KkCenterHk that completely made my day. I guess any paper lashes are still not available in my country since they have somewhat unusual designs/materials and kinda expensive.

This paper eyelashes are completely different from the false eyelashes that we wear everyday. Not only they were made of paper, but also the designs are very unique and outstanding. But, this paper eyelashes is not recommended for those not accustomed to using false eyelashes coz the material (read: paper) tend to be fragile and easily torn. 

Honestly, it's been months since I hardly wear my first false eyelashes. But, I find it harder putting paper lashes than ordinary false eyelashes coz they were made of frangible materials. And yeah...Actually, it's not that difficult to apply, all you need is just 'a little bit' of patience. lol.

These paper lashes would perfect be used in special occasion like theme parties, carnaval, halloween parties, prom, or perfect for romantic dinner look, gyaru/cosplay look, and even a new year's eve makeup look. They also fun and wearable for photoshoots. Last month, I actually planned to wear this lashes on my photoshoot. But, I've got no idea how to create the makeup look using this intricate paper lashes. Please excuse my poor skill. :P

Some bloggers recommend to trim the paper lashes into half its length or your desired length due to its full length. But I prefer to choose the full length  so they will look more dramatic. Hehe.

And here's my eye look wearing the lashes...
Can you see the gorgeous rose flowers in my eyes? LOL

Tips.I wouldn't recommend using an eyelash curler, but instead use your fingers to push them up so that they look more slender and avoid tearing.

LAST PIC... :)

- Perfect for theme parties, fashion, new year's eve makeup look, and cosplay/gyaru look.
- The design is really unique and gorgeous
- The lashes come cased in a beautiful box  
- Definitely worth a try

- Since they were made of paper, the lashes are really fragile so I should take them out of the box carefully or they will easily torn.

- Removing lashes must be done very carefully.
- Very difficult to bend and follow my eye line
- Not recommended for those not accustomed to using false lashes 
- Glue is not included

Yeah, If you love to try unusual false eyelashes designs and create a fabolous eye makeup looks.

2.5 / 5

You can buy this lashes on here

I absolutely love the design and they really make my eyes become charming, but such a pity I don't know where to use them. Maybe, I will keep them for a special party or when I get in the mood to create an enchanted makeup look. :D But overall, they are totally worth a try!

USE coupon code: 'glorychen' to get 10% OFF on all products



Review: TONY MOLY Natural Pulp Essence Sheet Mask [Tea Tree]

Review: TONY MOLY Natural Pulp Essence Sheet Mask [Tea Tree]


- See more at:[term]=cute%20gif&filters[primary]=images&sort=1&o=115#sthash.fVCbQtsX.dpuf


- See more at:[term]=cute%20gif&filters[primary]=images&sort=1&o=115#sthash.fVCbQtsX.dpuf
Beberapa hari ini aku sibuk belajar bikin kue seperti cake, roti kukus, dan hasilnya cukup memuaskan untuk newbie seperti aku. Terus terang aku ga bisa masak apalagi bikin kue. LOL. Kalo soal 'dapur', tante aku emang paling jagonya. Jadi selama di rumah, tante aku bakal 'mewariskan' resep2 andalannya. Yap, bisa dibilang lagi belajar ngerasain jadi ibu RT. Hihi. >.< 
Okay, back to the topic yah! Aku pengen nge review salah satu haul aku nih yaitu masker Tony Moly yang Tea Tree. Aku tuh paling jarang alias ga pernah maskeran gitu kalo di rumah. Aku beli masker ini pas ada promo diskon 10% di counter nya Tony Moly. Harganya cuma IDR 19.000 dan belum termasuk diskon nya. Super cheaappp right? Hehe. Tony Moly mengklaim kalo masker nya yang satu ini (Read: Tea Tree) diciptakan khusus untuk menangani masalah2 kulit seperti jerawat, iritasi, dll. Jadi makin ga sabar tuk nyobain... Hehe.

Selain Tea Tree, masker Tony Moly Natural Pulp Essence series ini juga tersedia dalam beberapa varian lainnya yaitu Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Acerola, Pearl, dan Super Q 10. Tapi aku cuma beli yang Tea Tree dan Hyaluronic Acid coz aku pilih yang paling cocok untuk kondisi kulit saat ini.


Natural Pulp Essence Sheet Mask series are made of 100% pulp fabrice that effective locks in moisture and enhances better absorption for skin with its silky texture. 
Tony Moly Natural Pulp Essence Sheet Mask Tea Tree contains tea tree oil, one of the most well-known uses of it is in acne treatment.  It reduces the population of acne-related bacteria which cause inflammation and infection in the skin. This tea tree infused mask will help tame your acne flare ups, brighten the complexion, keep the skin clean and clear, free from troubles, soothe easily-irritated skin, and the gentle formula works for all skin types.

Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Alternifolia) ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan pohon teh dan hanya tumbuh di daerah Australia. Tanaman ini memiliki wangi yang khas dan sering digunakan oleh penduduk asli Australia sebagai obat. Di dunia kecantikan, Tea Tree Oil ini sudah terkenal dengan keampuhannya untuk mengempeskan jerawat yang sedang tumbuh atau meradang dan cara kerjanya juga sangat cepat dan alami (source here). Selain itu, tanaman ini juga memiliki berbagai manfaat lainnya untuk kesehatan seperti untuk merawat luka bakar, mengatasi bau badan, meredakan gejala flu dan demam, dll. (source here) Wah, ga disangka tanaman ini punya khasiat yang begitu banyak dan buat yang memiliki masalah dengan jerawat bisa ngelirik produk2 yang mengandung esktrak tanaman ini nih. Hehe...
melaleuca alternifolia


Okay, kembali ke topik masker yah. :) Masker Tony Moly Tea Tree ini memiliki packaging berwarna hijau seperti warna Tea Tree. Setiap kemasan isinya cuma 1 masker dan untuk sekali pemakaian aja. Untuk hasil yang lebih efektif, disarankan untuk memakai masker 2~3 kali seminggu. Berhubung beli nya cuma 1 n ternyata khasiat nya oke banget buat acne-prone skin kayak aku, rencananya aku pengen repurchase lagi beberapa. Hehe..

  • After cleansing, soothe your skin with toner first.
  • Attach the mask on your face tightly. Gently pat excess serum into skin to help absorption. 
  • After 20~30 mins later, take off the mask and gently pat the remaining solution left on the skin for better absorption.

Pas kemasannya dibuka, wangi Tea Tree Oil yang cukup menyengat langsung tercium. Teksturnya sangat halus dan agak watery karena kaya akan serum Tea Tree Oil. Serumnya agak lengket2  di tangan dan maskernya cukup licin ketika mau dibuka. Pastikan tangan kita bersih ketika menyentuh masker agar tetap higenis.

Aku agak kesulitan ketika membuka lipatan masker karena cukup licin di tangan dan sangat watery jadi sampai menetes2 gitu. Tapi aku cukup senang karena ukurannya pas di wajahku. Ketika masker telah menempel dengan sempurna di wajah, aku bisa merasakan sensasi cool dan aroma Tea Tree Oil yang walaupun cukup menyengat tapi juga sangat refreshing. Kalo pas maskeran paling enak sambil berbaring agar serum nya bisa meresap dengan sempurna di kulit. Diamkan sampai 20~30 menit baru dilepas.

I know I look weird. Yeah, my families also felt like 'yucks' when they saw my 'mask-face'. LOL

(+) Very cheap! 
(+) Mengandung Tea Tree Oil untuk mengobati berbagai problem kulit khususnya jerawat
(+) Ukurannya pas di wajah
(+) Sensasi cool dan aroma nya yang menenangkan
(+) Membuat wajah lebih cerah
(+) NO Breakouts!

(-) Wanginya kayak parfum dan agak strong buatku
(-) Watery dan agak lengket2 gitu 


YES!! Buat kamu yang memiliki masalah dengan jerawat, mungkin bisa melakukan perawatan di rumah dengan rutin memakai masker ini 2~3 minggu sekali. Aku rencana akan repurchase lagi pas aku udah balik ke Surabaya. Hehe...

Yeah, I love this mask! Awalnya agak ragu dan takut gitu kalo bakal bikin jerawat gitu, tapi ternyata tidak. Walaupun aku tidak tahu aroma Tea Tree Oil yang sesungguhnya itu seperti apa, tapi menurut aku wangi masker ini terlalu strong kayak parfum. Tapi ketika dipakai, aku bisa merasakan sensasi cool di wajah dan aromanya membuat pikiran jadi rileks. Ketika dilepas, aku bisa merasakan kulit aku jadi terlihat lebih cerah dan lembab. Masker ini recommended banget buat kamu yang sudah lelah setelah seharian beraktifitas.

Bonus pict
. ^-^

See you on my next post. 
Bye"... ^^

Review: Tony Moly Sweety Dual Lip Gloss #01 Shiny Orange

Review: Tony Moly Sweety Dual Lip Gloss #01 Shiny Orange

Hi Lovelies~~
Di post kali ini aq pengen nge review salah satu haul aq bulan ini yaitu Tony Moly weet Dual Lip Gloss #01. Aq beli produk ini karena tertarik dengan packaging nya yang imut dan warnanya yang menggoda. Dalam satu produk ini udah termasuk lip gloss dan lip tint, sapa sih yang ga ngiler buat nyobain? Hehe... Selain itu aq seneng banget pas beli produk ini coz udah lama aq penasaran pengen nyobain lip tint. Hehe... >.<

Brand : Tony Moly
Name: Sweety Dual Lip Gloss
Type : Lip Makeup 
Available Colors : #1 Orange, #2 Pink, #3 Red
Size : 5gr

  • It keeps long lasting lips with moisturizing layer on the lips for rich gloss & transparent effects without any smudge. 
  • Fresh color give you shine anytime.
  • Full coverage lip gloss.

Packaging nya super slim kayak pulpen dan sangat praktis buat dibawa kemana2. Produk ini perpaduan antara lip gloss (warna orange) dan lip tint (warna merah) jadi satu. Warnanya juga sweet banget kayak namanya dan di bagian tengahnya berwarna silver mengkilap. Dan jangan khawatir dengan cara pakainya karena baik lipgloss maupun lip tint ada applicator nya masing2 untuk swatch. :)

Aq pilih yang no 1 Shiny Orange coz aq ga punya lip gloss warna orange. Hehe.. Selain orange, lip gloss nya juga tersedia dalam warna pink dan red. Untuk lip tint tidak tersedia pilihan warna lain, lagipula lip tint selalu identik dengan warna merah merekah alias merah menggoda gitu. :P

Ini dia penampakan lip gloss dan lip tint Tony Moly Sweety ketika dibuka. Baik lip tint maupun lip gloss nya berada dalam sebuah jar kecil yang dilengkapi dengan applicator masing2. Namun sebaiknya tidak membuka lip gloss maupun lip tint nya sekaligus.

Lip tint nya terlihat bertekstur seperti gel jika dilihat dari luar packaging nya, namun menjadi watery ketika di swatch di bibir. Warna merah nya sangat pigmented tapi tidak perlu takut kelihatan lebay karena warna lip tint selalu menyatu atau membaur dengan warna bibir kita. Lip tint ini bersifat water based sehingga sangat ringan di bibir seperti tidak pakai apa-apa dan cocok buat yang suka warna merah bibir (natural). Cara pakainya tinggal diolesi sedikit di bibir dan pelan2 warnanya akan terlihat merah dan menyatu dengan warna bibir.

Aq cukup senang dengan nambah satu koleksi lip gloss lagi walaupun aq lumayan jarang pake lip gloss. Haha.. Lip gloss Tony Moly Sweety ini memiliki tesktur seperti lip gloss pada umumnya dan dilengkapi dengan moisturizer untuk menjaga kelembapan bibir. Warnanya sheer atau semi transparan gitu dan memberikan efek glossy/shiny di bibir. Ketika di swatch, lip gloss ini terlihat mengandung butiran-butiran kecil yang shiny. Aroma lip gloss ini cukup unik dan agak susah diungkapkan (haha...), mungkin seperti aroma candy atau bubble gum gitu tapi aromanya tidak menyengat. :)

Dan ini dia penampakan nya di bibir... ^^
 Bare Lips (bibir aq terlihat kering dan pucat)

Tony Moly mengklaim bahwa lip gloss nya ini memiliki moisturizer agar lebih awet di bibir, full coverage, dan efek gloss/shine sepanjang hari. Lip gloss ini memang terbukti long lasting coz tetap awet di bibir aq hingga 3 jam tanpa terasa lengket dan tidak bikin bibir terkelupas. Bibir yang pecah-pecah atau tidak sehat akan terlihat mengkilap dan sehat seketika jika pake lip gloss ini. ;) 

First: Using Tony Moly Sweety Lip Gloss , Second: Using Tony Moly Sweety Lip Gloss + Lip Tint

Sebelum menggunakan lip gloss, aku pakai Baviphat Peach Soft Lip Balm supaya lip gloss nya lebih tahan lama dan bibir aku tetap terjaga kelembapannya. Ketika menggunakan lip gloss ini, bibir aq terlihat shiny/glossy seketika dan warnanya cenderung pink transparan.
 Using lip balm + Tony Moly Sweety Lip Gloss

Aku tidak menggunakan lip tint untuk menutupi seluruh permukaan bibir namun cuma di bagian tengah untuk memberikan efek gradasi atau ombre yang cukup nge trend di Korea. :D 

Disarankan untuk tidak menutupi seluruh permukaan bibir dengan lip tint karena bibir akan terlihat sangat merah atau menggunakan lip tint tanpa menggunakan lip balm/lip gloss terlebih dahulu karena bibir akan terlihat kering dan warnanya tidak merata.

  After using Tony Moly Sweety Dual Lip Gloss ( Gloss + Tint)

And... It's cam-whoring time....  ;D
Bare lips

Still bare lips :P

After using Tony Moly Sweety Dual Lip Gloss

and.. LAST Pict. :-)

- Lip tint dan lip gloss dalam satu packaging
- Lip gloss nya full coverage, shiny/glossy effect, dan long lasting
- Warna lip tint nya pigmented dan membaur dengan warna bibir
- Dilengkapi applicator masing2 untuk lip gloss dan lip tint
- Tidak bikin bibir kering dan pecah2
- Packaging nya elegan

- Nothing.


Maybe no, because I wanna try another lip gloss and lip tint product. LOL. But, this product is really great! :)


Aku merasa beruntung beli produk ini karena dalam satu kemasan sudah terdiri atas lip gloss dan lip tint. Biasanya harus beli lip gloss ssendiri atau lip tint sendiri. Selain itu, ini lip gloss pertama aku yang hasilnya sangat memuaskan, selain memberikan efek glossy di bibir, efeknya juga long lasting atau tahan hingga berjam-jam. Bibir yang kering akan terlihat lebih sehat dan bersinar jika pakai lip gloss ini. Namun lip tint nya agak susah membaur dengan warna bibir menurut aku karena harus dioles pake tangan baru warnanya lebih merata. But, I really love this product! :)


My Collective Haul August 2013

My Collective Haul August 2013

Just a quick post today!
So, maybe it sounds too late, tapi aq pengen ngucapin Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri bagi teman2 blogger maupun non blogger yang ngerayain. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. ;) 
Jadi ceritanya nih kemaren akhirnya aq 'mudik' juga ke kota asal aq alias my hometown di Ende-NTT setelah menyelesaikan sidang skripsi maupun persyaratan untuk yudisium dan wisuda aq bulan november mendatang. Actually, my BF juga pengen ikut tapi berhubung masih banyak kerjaan yang mesti diurus, jadinya kemungkinan dia ga bisa nyusul. So sad deh... But, Im extremely happy coz finally I can meet my families. I really love them and they are my best family forever. :)

Hehe... Back to the topic yah sebelum kalian bored bacain curhatku... LOL :P
Aq jarang nge post haul bulanan aq soalnya biasanya tiap bulan aq cuma repurchase bedak, sabun, dll. Ini adalah haul yang aq kumpulin dari 2 bulan yang lalu n ada yang baru dibeli minggu ini. Ada juga yang dapet dari hadiah giveaway n dikasih. Hehe.. Mungkin ga terlalu banyak, but hope you enjoy...! ^^

Please welcome my new and very first skincare products! First? Yep. Selama ini aq cuma tau produk2 makeup dan belajar cara makeup tanpa memperhatikan kesehatan kulit aq. Sebelum atau sesudah menggunakan makeup atau tidak menggunakan makeup sama sekali, tetap wajib banget yang namanya facial atau 'ritual' cuci muka agar wajah kita bebas dari kotoran, lembut, dan tetap terjaga kelembapannya. Dan tidak cukup sampai disitu saja, setelah facial wajib banget dilanjutkan dengan perawatan yang berikutnya seperti menggunakan toner, moisturizer, serum, dll. Ribet? Yes. Tapi sejak masih muda, khususnya buat aq yang udah menginjak usia 20 ke atas, wajib banget mulai memperhatikan dan menjaga kesehatan kulit aq.

Aq emang lagi nyari produk skincare yang sesuai dengan budget dan cocok buat problem kulit aq yang berminyak dan acne-prone ini. Pas walking2 di Centro kamis lalu, aq akhirnya beli produk skincare L'oreal yang seri Hydra Fresh. Produk skincare L'oreal seri ini dikhususkan buat yang memiliki wajah berminyak (shiny skin) yang cenderung berjerawat kayak aq. Aq beli cleansing foam, toner, dan gel nya. Aq berharap rangkaian produk L'oreal ini bisa mengurangi kelebihan minyak di wajah aq dan tetap menjaga kelembapan kulit aq. Tiga produk ini totalnya IDR 169.000 dan dapet bonus makeup pouch warna orange. Hehe...

And finally, second purchase on Masami Shouko makeup brushes.^^ Beberapa hari yang lalu, aq beli 3 kuas makeup Masami Shouko di Matahari-Tunjungan Plaza yaitu 309 Angled Eyeliner Brush, 303 Concealer Brush, dan 322 Foundation Brush. Kalo soal makeup brush, Masami Shouko emang selalu favorit aq coz selain harganya yang affordable (not cheap!), kualitasnya juga oke banget kayak professional makeup brushes. Buat yang hobi makeup ato pengen belajar lebih dalam tentang makeup, wajib banget mulai ngumpulin 'gems' alias makeup brushes yang tepat dan Masami Shouko makeup brushes ini mungkin bisa jadi pilihan yang tepat buat kamu. Untuk cara memilih kuas yang tepat, bisa baca tips nya disini. Selain makeup brushes, aq juga beli Masami Shouko leather brush pouch with magnet yang bisa buat ngisi 10 makeup brush. Kalo Masami Shouko powder case nya aq dapet dari hadiah giveaway nya Pygmalion Land. :D

Ini dia makeup haul aq bulan ini :
  • Etude House CC Cream Silky
  • Koji Spring Heart Eyelash #Natural
  • Etude House Oh M'Eye Line Eye Liner
  • Maybelline Clear Smooth Extra Shine Free Powder #Natural
  • Koji Spring Heart Long and Curl Mascara
  • Tony Moly Sweet Dual Lipgloss #Glossy Red
Bulan lalu aq dikasih 2 box Etude House CC Cream #silky sama Etude House Oh M'Eye Line Eye Liner sama mama nya boyfie aq. Rasanya seneng banget coz finally I could try Etude CC cream. Hehe... Kalo Koji eyelashes sama Koji mascara aq dapet dari hadiah giveaway nya Pygmallion Land juga. :)

Dan yang terakhir ada Wetz General and Body Wipes #Green Tea, facial sponge, dan 2 masker Tony Moly: Hyaluronic Acid dan Tea Tree. Aq beli masker Tony Moly dan Tony Moly dual lipgloss di atas di counter Tony Moly, Matahari - Tunjungan Plaza. Kebetulan di counter Tony Moly TP lagi ngadain diskon 15% all items makanya jadi tergoda deh tuk beli produknya Tony Moly. LOL.

And, that's all guys! Ditunggu review nya yaa... And hope you enjoy this post, please don't forget to follow my blog if you enjoy my blog. ^^

Thank you, sweeties! Bye! xoxo. <3

Lens Review #3: Moonlight Brown 13.9mm []

Lens Review #3: Moonlight Brown 13.9mm []

 H.E.L.L.O Beauties!
It's been more than a month since I received my package from I feel so bad coz I do not have time at all to make the review. Actually I've took some pictures of thee lenses since the beginning of july. I just didn't have much time to edit the pictures even write the review. Yeah I was so busy of 'collage life' during last month. But, now Im here to share my thought about this pretty lenses, Moonlight Brown 13.9mm that KPOP2 sent me. 

If you're not familiar with KPOP2, then please pay a visit to to look around their pretty & cute circle lenses collections. Their website feature 300 different kinds of cheap colored contact lens and basically their products also Korean girl & boy idol group favorites. All products in their website are 100% made in Korea and authorized by Korean FDA. Most of their circle lenses valued $10.99 and Im not sure you will find the great deals like this in other circle lenses website.

So, besides Lettuce Brown lenses (Review here), I also got Moonlight Brown 13.9mm from KPOP2. Actually, I chose both design & color. I chose brown circle lenses coz essentially my natural eye color is brown & I just want a 'natural-look' circle lens. I've already tried some pop colors circle lenses like purple, blue, green, and grey. That's why I was so excited to try the brown color. Maybe I will choose the other circle lens colors next time. LOL.

Product Name / Moon Light Brown Overall diameter (DIA ) / 14.8 mm Duration of use over / 6 months Diameter graphic / 13.9mm Manufacturer /  Moisture content / 38% Origin / KOREA BC / 8.8 mm Frequency range / 0.00 to 6.00 For astigmatism impossible  - See more at:
Product Name / Moon Light Brown Overall diameter (DIA ) / 14.8 mm Duration of use over / 6 months Diameter graphic / 13.9mm Manufacturer /  Moisture content / 38% Origin / KOREA BC / 8.8 mm Frequency range / 0.00 to 6.00 For astigmatism impossible  - See more at:
                Product Name: Moon Light Brown          Diameter Graphic : 13.9mm
                Duration of Use : Over 6 months             Moisture Content : 38%
                Place of Origin : Korea                               BC : 8.8mm
                Overall Diameter : 14.8mm                      Price : $10.99
                Frequency Range : 0.0 to 6.0                    Astimatigsm : Not available
                Purchase here
.00 to 6.00
Product Name / Moon Light Brown Overall diameter (DIA ) / 14.8 mm Duration of use over / 6 months Diameter graphic / 13.9mm Manufacturer /  Moisture content / 38% Origin / KOREA BC / 8.8 mm Frequency range / 0.00 to 6.00 For astigmatism impossible  - See more at:

Available in 3 colors: bown, grey, and blue

They claim that these lenses have a fantastic design. I think so! :)

They come in these individual glass bottles with each lenses inside and filled with the lens solution. I usually a bit annoyed when opening the circle lens packaging, because the lid generally coated aluminium seal and I need to be more careful or it could injured my fingers. But they must be sealed tightly to make sure they're safe & full protection.

And this is how they look like inside the packaging. Very pretty right? ;)

★/ 5 stars
I chose this circle lens myself coz I was very fascinated with the design. I think the design is very unique & pretty that you may not found in other circle lens online shops. There's such a huge star in the center of the circle lenses and surrounded by brown 'moon lights'. Before you get even more excited about these lenses, they actually have dual-side with different color each lenses. I just found out this 'secret' when I emailed the KPOP2. They explained to me that this lenses has two different sides. The front side of the lens has bright color, clear lens design, and the natural shape of the lens is the border. And the back side has dark color, not clear design, and the horizontal shape of the lens is the border. Do you excited with this lens? Yes, I do! I can choose the back side of the lens if I want to get natural-looking brown eyes and otherwise choose the front side if I wish a bright brown eyes. ;) But I think the back side color of the lens is fairly natural and make my eyes to get even darker. I also think about the similarity of these lenses and Geo Princess Mimi brown. Do you think so? :P

☆/ 3 stars
Even though they are only 14.8mm overall diameter, but I'd say these does a pretty good job making the eyes look bigger, natural, and dolly. 

☆ / 2 stars
I would say these are very easy to wear and remove that even a beginner can wear these. When I decided to apply the front side of the lenses, my eyes began to get very sore instantly. But, it wasn't that bad when I wore the back side of the lenses. I still feel my eyes sore, but it lasts 2-3 hours. So, I prefer to choose the 'dark-side' and moreover it's my favourite color. ;)

bare eyes

Sorry I didn't use flash light coz I think the window light had already made my eyes look very clear..

I think the dark side of this lenses and compared to my bare eyes looks quite the same. This side just gives a 'quite big' effect and dolly look.

And here's some pictures I took about 2 weeks ago while wearing these lenses... ;)


☆ / 3 stars
Overall, Im really happy to try out these brown-color circle lenses because the design & color are very pretty. They also have dual-side which you can choose to look natural or vibrant by simply choose the front side or back side. I would recommend these lenses for daily use & dolly/gyaru makeup.It would be very nice if this lenses has a larger diameter and more comfortable on my eyes. :)

So, have you tried these lenses? What do you think about these? I hope you enjoyed this review and please make sure you visit coz they have a lot of unique & pretty circle lenses that you never imagined before with the most affordable price. ^^

Thank you for reading. xoxo. <3