SILKYGIRL Funky Eyelights Pencil - 08 Frosty Silver Review

SILKYGIRL Funky Eyelights Pencil - 08 Frosty Silver Review

 Hello girls...!
Aq berharap bisa lebih sering ngeblog krena bnyak banget produk yg pengen aq review, cuman nih mood selalu naik turun. Haha... Apalagi kalo udah capek jadi males ngapa2in, lol... Btw, yg belum join giveawayku, buruan join ya sebelum 23 agt. ^^

Btw, kalo ada yg udah tau, aku tertarik nyobain eyeliner yg satu ini berkat *racun* dari Ci Luci. Cewe mana sih yg ga tergoda kalo ada barang yg kualitas nya oke dan harganya juga ramah di kantong? Udah banyak banget blogger yg punya dan jatuh cinta sama eyeliner yg satu ini makanya aku jadi penasaran dan pengen buktiin sendiri. hehe... Buat para pecinta eyeliner wajib punya ( atau udah punya? :D ) eyeliner silkygirl ini. Aku pribadi pengen ngoleksi semua warnanya. Hehe...

SilkyGirl Funky Eyelights Pencil sebuah eyeliner berbentuk pensil yang lembut dan halus untuk mempercantik bentuk mata Anda. Hadir dengan pilihan warna warni yang funky dan menarik untuk menambah kesan dramatik untuk tampilan pada mata Anda. 

Packaging nya sendiri simpel banget yah, berbentuk pensil seperti eyeliner pencil pada umumnya dengan cap berwarna transparan dan terbuat dari plastik. Pensil eyeliner ini ringan banget dan ga terlalu panjang jd bisa muat di makeup pouch ku. Kalo masih baru biasanya ada segel plastiknya. Semua keterangannya ada di pensil eyeliner ini.

Aku emang pilih warna silver karena silver nya pigmented banget dan menurut aku sangat cocok untuk memberikan kesan 'cute' di mata kalo dipake di area bawah mata. Aku udah 2 bulan pake eyeliner ini dan puas banget dengan hasilnya. Salah satu produk wajib aku kalo pengen menciptakan kesan eye makeup yg cute n fresh. :)

Teksturnya creamy dan pigmented banget, makanya ga susah pas di-apply. Cukup sekali apply warnanya langsung keluar n nempel di mata. Tapi kalo ngerasa warnanya masih kurang 'intense' bisa di apply lagi. Aku sih biasanya 1-2x swatch gitu udah keliatan banget warnanya. :) 

Ini dia pas di swatch di area bawah mata. Sukaa banget sama warna silver nya. ^^

Dengan eyeliner ini bisa menciptakan kesan 'cute' pada mata dan jg keliatan lebih fresh. Selain di area bawah mata, eyeliner ini juga bisa dipake di upper lid ato di bagian inner corner mata. Eyeliner ini smudgeproof dan juga waterproof banget, ga bakal hilang kalo ga pake eye makeup remover. Really a nice product! :)

- Very cheap, only IDR 35
- Simple packaging
- Creamy texture & very pigmented
- Smudgeproof & waterproof
- Available in many colors
- Suitable for ulzzang makeup / to create 'cute' eye makeup

- the plastic seal is really hard to tear :P

Yes 3x! Coz isinya banyak plus pemakaiannya jg irit bnget jd kayaknya ga mungkin repurchase dulu dalam waktu dekat. Tp mungkin mw repurchase yg warna lain. Hehe...

Rating: 5/5
Suka banget sama eyeliner ini! Salah satu produk wajib ku buat makeup sehari2, dan bisa juga buat makeup glamour lho. Tp eyeliner ini jadi favoritku coz bisa memberi kesan 'cute' pada eye makeup ku. Produk ini recommended banget krena selain harganya terjangkau, kualitas nya juga oke banget. Really worth a try! ^^

My 24th Birthday Celebration

My 24th Birthday Celebration

Dear Girls...! ^-^
Sebenernya di post kali ini aku juga pngen share tentang my pregnancy, tp krena ternyata jadinya panjang banget, soo aq bagi jadi 2 post. I'll talk about my pregancy later... :)

So, yesterday I celebrated my 24th birthday... Nambah tua setaon... >_< lol... Tp bday taon ini soo special banget soalx prtama kali nya ngerayain bareng hubby plus 'baby' di perut. Hehehe... Pagi2 pas melek, hubby langsung ngucapin happy birthday sambil ngasih kado, trus 'nongol' lagi smbil bawa kue tart. Hehe... Kalo kue tart dan kue2 lainnya dikasih sama my grandma tercinta. Taon ini ga bisa lagi ngerayain ultah di rumah, kangen bnget sama keluarga khususnya my grandma. :( Smoga taon dpan bisa ngerayain rame2 bareng kluarga di kota asalku, hubby n my lil boy. Hehe...
Perayaan ultah di rumah sederhana aja. Dalam tradisi keluarga my hubby, tiap ada yg ultah pasti dibikinin telor merah dan bakmi. Plus masakannya cuma bakso dan suki2. Tp aku udah bahagia banget! Just feel like at my home! Thx to my mum in law yg udah nyiapin masakan buat my bday...  :)
Foto-foto bareng my hubby yg pling 'usil' tp jg paling baek sedunia. lolol... ^^ Diriku keliatan makin 'ndut' dan membuncit. hadeuh... :P

Pas malemnya baru ngerayain berdua aja bareng hubby. Aq emang pengen bnget dinner yg romantis gitu bareng hubby, jadinya reservasi resto yg suasana nya juga romantis2 gitu. Hehe... Kata hubby terserah aq mau dinner dimana, jadi aku mutusin untuk nyobain salah satu resto di Hotel JW Marriott Surabaya, Vis A Vis French Restaurant. :)
Resto ini mulai buka dari jam 6 sore dan pake sistem reservasi gitu. Kalo udah pernah makan disini n hafal menunya, bisa langsung pesen menu nya lewat telpon biar bisa disiapkan sbelum kita datang. Suasana di resto ini bernuansa klasik2 gitu ala French resto dan berhubung kmaren lagi sepi, jadi kita bebas milih mau duduk deket view apa. Disini juga pelayanannya profesional n mantap banget, mulai dari dateng sampe pulang kita slalu dilayani dengan baik dan ramah banget. :)
Pas baru duduk, udah langsung ditawari roti, ada yg teksturnya soft dan hard. Cuman garlic butter nya hambar deh. :P Selang berapa menit kemudian, dikasih 'welcome starter' dari Vis A Vis's Chef nya yaitu Spaghetti Bolognese sambil kita nungguin pesenan kita. :D

Untuk appetizer, hubby pesen Mushroom Soup (IDR 88) dan aq pesen Duck Rilitte (IDR 78). Tapi pada akhirnya jadi tukeran sama hubby karena yg Duck Rilette nya adem n agak 'amis' gitu bebeknya. Lebih suka mushroom soup nya. hehe... :)

Main course nya ini yg nungguin nya paling lama sampe ngantuk. Haha... Untuk main course nya, hubby pesen Black Angus (IDR 388) dan punyaku aq lupa nama nya apa, tp lauknya ayam dan ada kentang nya yg super sooftt banget.

Pas momen spesial wajib foto2 dulu donk buat kenang-kenangan. Hehe...

Pas udah mau pulang, eh tiba2 dapet 'little surprise' dari Vis a Vis French Restaurant. Surprised but really happy too! ^^ Sebenernya nih perut udah 'teriak2' kekenyangan tp sayang bnget untuk dilewatkan apalagi I really love cakes! Tekstur kue nya moist banget dan krim nya juga manis but also.. freeziiinggg..! It's yummy! :D

So I want to say a special thanks to Vis a Vis French Restaurant, buat pelayanannya yg super dua jempol deh dan 'kejutan kecil' nya di hari ultahku kemaren. Sungguh pengalaman yg ga terlupakan deh dan sangat berkesan di hati. :) Very recommended banget buat para couple yg pengen kencan romantis di resto yg bernuansa ala2 French gitu. Menu2 nya (read: price) emang agak2 (atau sangat? :P) bikin shocked gitu, tp boleh lah kalo sesekali pengen nyobain dinner yg bener2 romantis gitu. ^^

And lastly, a birthday gift from my hubby. Thank you, my dear. This is soo gorgeous! Really love it. <3

My bday taon ini spesial banget n bakal slalu berkesan di hati. Thank you my family, my hubby, n my hubby's family n also all of my friends, juga buat para temen2 beauty bloggers yg udah inget n peduli banget ma ultahku. Love you all guys! This is really a perfect birthday. ^^ 

x.o.x.o. <3

SOLONE 10 Colors Shining Eyeshadow Palette Review [Sponsored by KKCENTERHK]

SOLONE 10 Colors Shining Eyeshadow Palette Review [Sponsored by KKCENTERHK]

Hello Girls~~
Talking about eyeshadow palette, I have my favourite one lately. This always in my makeup pouch and I always bring it everywhere I go. This is Solone 10 Colors Shining Eyeshadow Palette that kindly sent by Actually I got this a few months ago n just taking the time to write the review now. Im truly sorry for the sooo long delay. I dont mean to blame my pregnancy but yeah I know, I just sooo lazy to do anything else. Everyday just laying on my bed while playing games, reading comics and eating some snacks. Sounds like a pig right? lol. 

Honestly, I only owned maybe 5-6 eyeshadow palette so far and some of the palettes contains only 3 colors. I stop buying eyeshadow palette since I already have my 88 colors eyeshadow palette n rarely use it too actually, but it doesnt mean the end coz there's still a possibility if I would interested to own some new palettes. :) But for now, just let me introduce you my current favourite eyeshadow palette. Make sure you read these until the last word.

Who doesn't love this eyeshadow packaging? First time I saw this eyeshadow box, I just naturally fell in love with it. It just soo 'eye-catching' and the design looks so theatrical. This is really cute n Im so happy to own this palette among the other of my palettes.

Just unfortunately, you will not get much description about the palette coz it was basically written in Chinese.

And here's the real packaging inside the box. It's all in black with some flowery design. The packaging is not too big n very lightweight so I dont have a problem to keep it on my makeup pouch. :)

It has a wide mirror inside with an eyeshadow brush included and there are 10 eyeshadow colors that looks so pretty n neat.

Close-up view.. (◕‿◕✿)

This absolutely pefect for travelling and for... summer! Yeah, I think the colors will make your summer vacation more brighter and colourful. You'll also be amazed with the pigmentation, though it has overall shimmer textured but the eyeshadow not really powdery and I think you only need 1x swatch to 'pull out' the colors with using the eye primer before. But, in the swatches below, I didnt use eye primer at all and I only swatched 2 times. This is really helpful especially when I dont have much time to makeup, this will help me to create a fabolous eye makeup lot easier and quickly.

With this palette, you can create a lot of eye makeup and I usually love to create a sweet-feminime look or natural eye makeup look with these colors. You can also create a smokey-eye or even glamorous look with the palette. Shortly, this is my first versatile eyeshadow palette for every occasion.

I also created an EOTD using this palette. I was using the shimmery white color (1), pink rose (3), dark purple (4) and dark blue (5). :) Sorry no lashes, I always forget to buy the new glue. So bad... :P

And of course... Me ! ^^
Looks a bit tired lately coz lack of sleep.... >.<

- Cute box and elegant packaging
- Lovely eyeshadow colors, suitable for any occasion
- All colors are shimmery and very pigmented!
- Has a big mirror and eyeshadow brush inside
- Versatile eyeshadow palette
- Travel-friendly

 - Discontinued. I really like this actually -__-
- A little bit powdery

Unfortunately this palette has been sold out on, but dont worry coz you can still find their another good quality eyeshadow palette collections on kkcenterhk's website or just in case you might be interested in Solone's makeup collection, you can click here.

Rating: 5/5
This is my go-to eyeshadow palette and I love all the colors, i like the shimmery texture and they are also very pigmented! I can play with the colors and create some eye makeup for natural look, sweet look, smokey eye, etc. This palette is also very lightweight and always in makeup pouch. Overall I love this palette n just hope it will be available again on kkcenterhk's webstore. ;)


xx <3

Make Your Special Day Unforgettable with Victoria's Dress

Make Your Special Day Unforgettable with Victoria's Dress

Hello Pretty Girls!
It is very exciting to find your perfect dress for your special occasion especially if we're talking about your big day, but undeniable it's also the most challenging part that sometimes can be slightly complicated. Most girls should have their own dream dress for their special day and nowadays you can easily find a variety of gowns with accessible price in many apparel online stores. But it's unwise to carelessly choose your partner to fulfill your wish of having a beautiful and sophisticated dress on your special moment. Find a qualified partner that has experienced over the years in accomplishing every girl dreams of her special day is a must! 

Victoria's Dress understand the importance of your special day and believe that every girls deserves the best quality, best fitting dresses at affordable price. Hence, they guarantee each dresses is created with a strong attention to detail, chosen from a huge selection of high quality fabrics, so it would fit your body shape beautifully.

Speaking of dresses, they mainly provide a wide range of wedding dresses, prom dresses and bridesmaid dresses designs. Shortly, you'll consider their dress collections and services if you're planning to get married in the near future. Who doesn't want to look perfect n beautiful or be a princess for one day in front of their forever prince? I mean every girls will make sacrifices for wearing a royal n gorgeous wedding dress on their once in a lifetime's holy matrimony.
 Victoria's Dress Collection: Ball Gown Strapless Sleeveless Tulle White Wedding Dress With Appliques
 Victoria's Dress Collection: A-line Halter Sleeveless Tulle White Wedding Dress With Appliques
Victoria's Dress Collection: Mermaid Sweetheart Sleeveless Satin White Wedding Dress With Ruffles

Dealing with bridesmaid dress design is sometimes can become a little bit annoying and stressful. You might want to just ignore it and end up in bridesmaids dresses rentals or let your bridesmaid choose her own dress. But if you wish a perfect wedding ever, it's adviseable to synchronize your vision of your dream wedding with every details on your wedding plan especially your bridesmaid dress. You'll find a lot easier to get any bridal dresses selection on Victoria's Dress and dont need to worry about bridesmaid dresses. Simply, just let Victoria's Dress to be your fairy godmother on your wedding tale. :)
 Victoria's Dress Collection: A-line High Neck Sleeveless Chiffon Prom Dresses With Appliques
 Victoria's Dress Collection: A-line Sweetheart Sleeveless Elastic Woven Satin Cocktail Dresses With Lace

Talk a lot about wedding dress, Victoria's dress does not only specialized in Wedding Dress, but you'll notice on their collections also include so many gorgeous dresses for some special events like cocktail party dresses, evening dresses and even formal dresses.
 Victoria's Dress Collection: Sheath/Column Bateau Sleeveless Tulle Evening Gowns With Appliques
 Victoria's Dress Collection: Sheath/Column One Shoulder Chiffon Black Long Prom Dresses/Evening Dress With Rhinestone
Victoria's Dress Collection: A-line Sweetheart Organza Pink Cocktail Dresses/Short Prom Dress With Rhinestone

They also offer up to 65% off on prom dresses and free shipping on order over £200. I strongly recommend you to visit their online store and make sure you get your own dream dress at lowest price as possible and the best quality. :)

Thank you for taking your time to read my blog and hope you enjoy this post. :)

GIVEAWAY: Glory Chen's Birthday Giveaway

GIVEAWAY: Glory Chen's Birthday Giveaway

Hello hello girlsss!
Udah lama ga ngadain giveaway nih dan ini pertama kalinya aku ngadain giveaway dalam rangka ngerayain ultahku yg tinggal 4 hari lagi. ^^ Ultah yg ke berapa? Kalo ada yg nanya ntar aku kasih tau. Lolol... So, giveaway kali ini masih untuk Indonesian Readers aja yah. Tapi mungkin giveaway berikutnya bakal terbuka untuk worldwide readers, masih dalam agenda dulu. So, keep update terus aja yah. hehe...^^

Trus, apa aja sih hadiah nya buat giveaway kali ini? Akan ada 2 Winners yah dalam Giveaway ini, dan ini dia hadiahnya...

1 pasang Hello Kitty Circle Lens
1 pcs Etude House Every Month Cleansing Foam 100ml (Your Choice)
1 pcs Etude House Hand Bouquet Rich Butter Hand Cream 50ml
1 pcs cute accessories (random)
Beauty Samples

1 pasang Diva Lolipop Circle Lens
1 pcs Etude House Every Month Cleansing Foam 100ml (Your Choice)
5 pcs Etude House Alphabet Mask Sheet (Customized)
Beauty Samples

Grab this banner

Ready to Challenge Your Style? #OwnNow [ZALORA]

Ready to Challenge Your Style? #OwnNow [ZALORA]

[*advertorial post*]

Hey Lovelies!
Kalo bicara soal fashion, menurut aku selalu terkait dengan kepribadian seseorang. Why? Yep, buat aku fashion tidak hanya tentang apa yg dipakai tapi juga menonjolkan kepribadian seseorang lho. Singkatnya, fashion is talking about "your character". Apakah kamu sudah mengenal seperti apa dirimu atau apakah kamu sudah mengekspresikan dirimu melalui busana yang kamu pakai? Kalau kamu masih sering bingung dengan ciri khas fashion style kamu, berarti kamu masih belum cukup mengenal dirimu. Coba eksplore wardrobe kamu, lalu coba bayangkan seperti apakah dirimu atau seperti apakah orang lain sering menilai dirimu, lalu tuangkan kepribadianmu dengan cara try to mix n match dari koleksi pakaianmu yg ada dan temukan your signature outfit.


Kamu juga bisa meminjam pakaian dari sodara cewe ato bahkan pakaian mama untuk menciptakan berbagai 'new style'. Intinya, ga perlu takut bereksplorasi karena tidak ada rumus khusus dalam menciptakan fashion dan tidak ada kata "old" dalam fashion. Fashion juga berbicara tentang "Be Your Self". Jangan pernah minder untuk menjadi dirimu sendiri dan tuangkan seluruh imaginasimu sampai kamu menemukan ciri khas atau 'karakter' dari fashion style kamu.

REVLON Super Lustrous Lipstick #117 & #801 Review

REVLON Super Lustrous Lipstick #117 & #801 Review

Hello everyone!
Beberapa hari yg lalu aku pengen kasih oleh2 buat cece ku, sempet bingung mau kasih apa terus kepikiran buat ngasih lipstick aja. Cece ku ga terlalu suka dandan tapi kalo pake lipstick masih suka lah dia. Hehe.. Jadi aku beli 5 lipstick Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick ini, 2 biji nya buat aku sendiri. LOL. Yg lainnya ga sempet swatch krena langsung dikirim besoknya, lagian hadiah masa dicolek dulu. Hihi... So, aku review dua shade aja ya yaitu Almost Nude (117) dan Pink Cloud (801). Hehe... :)


  • Exclusive LiquiSilk formula with mega-moisturizers seals in color and softness
  • Silky-smooth, creamy texture
  • Stay true color wears evenly

  • Sebenernya varian lipstick Revlon ini tersedia dalam banyak pilihan warna, ada sekitar 80 an dan terbagi atas 4 kategori yaitu Matte, Pearl, Creme dan Shine finish. Kalo yg Creme, warnanya cenderung pigmented banget, jadi sekali swatch langsung keluar warnanya. Kalo yg Shine cenderung sheer alias warnanya nyaris transparan dan ada shimmer nya gitu.

    Etude House Rosy Tint Lips #8 After Blossom Review

    Etude House Rosy Tint Lips #8 After Blossom Review

    Hello girlss!! 
    Sebenernya banyak banget produk yg pengen aku review dan kalo ada waktu aku usahain bikin review nya. ^^ Akhir2 ini kayaknya aku lagi demen banget beli lip product, entah napa lg bored bnget dengan lipgloss dan pengen sesuatu yg matte dan warnanya lebih variatif. Dan udah lama banget aku pengen nyobain Etude Rosy Tint Lips ini dan akhirnya aku mutusin tuk nyobain yg no #8 After Blossom coz kayaknya bnyak blogger yg suka wrna ini dan menurut aku wrnanya lumayan cakep. Hehe...
    Product name: Etude House Rosy Tint Lips #08 After Blossom
    Weight: 7gr
    Applicator type: Sponge tip
    Velvet texture
    8 Shades Available
    Price: IDR 99000 

    Satu kata untuk desain kemasannya, "adorable". Kemasan luar lip tint ini emang terkesan sweet & feminim banget, warnanya nya yang pink dan 'bertaburan' bunga2 mawar bikin cewek manapun yg liat pasti jatuh hati. hehe... Rasanya sayang bnget dibuang kotaknya cuman bingung jg kalo disimpen buat apa. >.<

    Circle Lenses Haul & My Current Lenses Update

    Circle Lenses Haul & My Current Lenses Update

    Hello everyone! Long time no see.. hehe...
    Anyone miss me? Lol... Udah 2 minggu ini ga sempet update blog karena kondisi yg kurang fit jadi kurang mood gitu. :( Tapi kangen banget sama blog ini n pengen nulis sesuatu. So, post kali ini mungkin singkat aja yaa, aku cuma pengen share Circle Lenses Haul aku bulan ini. Sebenernya ini adalah circle lenses yg aku kumpul2in dan belum sempet aku pake karena masih banyak softlens. lol.

    Kalo yg sering ikutin update blog ku pasti tau kalo aku suka banget circle lenses. Tapi yang namanya softlens pasti ada expired nya, biasanya masa pemakaian softlens bisa sampai setahun tapi lebih dianjurkan sampai 6 bulan aja agar tidak menimbulkan efek2 yg tidak diinginkan. So, ini adalah beberapa softlens yang udah aku gunakan lebih dari 6 bulan dan sebaiknya tidak dipakai lagi. Sebenernya sayang banget dibuang apalagi Geo Princess Mimi adalah softlens favoritku, tapi mungkin aku akan repurchase lagi. :D Btw, aku pernah review beberapa softlens di bawah ini: