Review: KKCenterHK's ES-A503 False Eyelashes

Review: KKCenterHK's ES-A503 False Eyelashes

If you guys know about me, I'm really into false eyelashes! The first time I wore lashes, it was so much harder than I thought. But, I do really love lashes now, it was like 'magic' coz when you wear lashes, your eyes will be look beautiful and fabolous instantly. So, this time Im gonna review about ES-A503 lashes from KKCenterHk. This is the second time KKCenterHk sent the lashes to me and they also send 2 box of pretty lashes. This second time, I chose 2 different kind of lashes, they are ES-A503 black half luxuriant falsies and ES honey butterfly rose paper falsies. But I will review ES-A503 only in this post, if you're very curious about the paper falsies, you can directly visit KkCenterHk's website for more details. And before I start, I'd like to apologize  for the delay in making this lashes review since a month ago because I'm so busy with my thesis and preparation for graduation this year. Please dont be mad at me, Maggie. ;) So, let's start...


  • 100% New, authentic, handmade Lashes
  • 5 Pairs in one pack
  • Can Be Re-use many times
  • Make Your Eyes Look Bigger And Attractive
  • Can Be Used Party Or Professional Make Up
  • Glue is not included
  • Price is $15.44

I think the quality of the lashes is fairly good. The feathers looks thick, long, very light and soft. I just feel a bit dissapointed coz the glue on the lash band is very thick and strong, so it directly attached firmly in my eye line when I tried to put on the properly area. 

Actually, I chose these because I have never tried any like them before and some girls really looks beautiful when they wore this kind of lashes. When I tried a pair of this lashes for the first time, I think they were a bit stiff and I find it kinda hard to follow my eye line. But I just won't give up and after I tried for several times, finally I 'mastered' it. LOL. When I wore them, they actually really look lovely like a peacock. ;)

   See their beautiful shape? I also love their white packaging! They look clean & sweet... :)

If we talk about the design, I give two thumbs up for this lashes coz it has a pretty and flirty shape. When I saw this lashes, I thought this is a plain falsies and only suitable for daily wear. But I was big wrong, coz otherwise this falsies looks boring on my eyes without any makeup. Yeah, it is adviseable to use the falsies for party or occasional events.

And this is what they look like on my eyes... Please pardon my 'narcism' pose.. LOL

I don't see any reviews of this lashes on KkCenterHk's site, I think maybe Im the first person that already tried this. Can you see my tapering lashes? Haha.

It was a big mistake to wear this lashes with just a simple makeup coz my eyes looks awkward with this dramatic and bold lashes.

And voilaa... This is me after a 'big transformation'... I think the lashes looks incredible now after I put on some makeup. I felt like I have a bird wing on my eyes. :D I think Im gonna wear this lashes when I attend a party or special event. 

Btw, are you surprised with my hair? It's not a secret, yeah I wear a wig. Please keep your curiosity until the next post coz I will review about my new wig. I also plan on having a photo shoot while wearing this wig soon. ;)

  • Looks very thick, long, and soft
  • Pretty & dolly design
  • A peacock-like shape
  •  It looks dramatic after put on some makeup

  • A bit stiff and hard to follow my eye line
  • The quality is too standard
  • Without glue on lash line please...
  • Can only be bought online



 You can get this pretty lashes here. If you browse their site, you will also find out tons of unique & sweet lashes. Make sure you visit their site coz they also feature some of the best deals on nail polish, wigs, eyeliner, mascara, etc. 

Overall, I would love this lashes if they are easy to apply and not a bit stiff. But I cant lie to myself if I really fall in love with the lashes design. I'll definitely use them when I want to create a "gyaru look" and attend some special events. <3

And fnally, thank you for reading my blog. Please enjoy your visit & hope you like my post. And also thank you once again to KkCenterHk for sending me these lashes. See ya, guys! ;)

Glory Chen
*Disclaimer: I received these lashes for review purpose but my opinions are 100% honest and based on my personal experience with the product.

So Basically, Im 23 Now & I'm a Part of IBB

So Basically, Im 23 Now & I'm a Part of IBB

Hi Lovelies!
Kmren aq ngerayain ultah yg ke 23. Tp ga kliatan kayak 23 kan? Haha... :P So, ultah taon ini sama kyak taon lalu, nothing special. Why? Coz aq ga bisa ngerayain bareng keluargaq. Just FYI, sejak kuliah, aq tinggal di Surabaya, di rumah cece nya emak q. Kalo pas liburan baru aq pulkam ke rumahq di Ende, NTT. Jauh banget kan? :P Aslinya keluarga q orang Sby coz smuanya lahir di Sby trmasuk aku (hehe...), tapi coz emak & engkong q merantau ke Ende sejak 40 taon yang lalu, makanya rumah q di Ende. Ende itu emang kota kecil tapi sangat menyenangkan buat q coz alam disana masih alami banget. Tiap pulkam pas liburan, aq seneng banget coz bisa kumpul sama kluarga, n bs jalan2 ke pantai, dll.

That's why yesterday I was soo sad. Rasanya ga lengkap ngerayain moment apapun tanpa keluarga. Tp pas ga bisa ngerayain ultah di Ende, tante q slalu kasih surprise to make me smile on my birthday. Pas ultah q kemaren, pagi2 aq dibangunin coz dpet kiriman my birthday cake yang super unyuu...

Ini dia my birthday cake yang dipsenin tante q to bright my special day... Kue nya cantik banget... Jadi ga tega pas dipotong tadi pagi... Tp daripada jamuran.. hehe...

And here's me with my super cute birthday cake! Please excuse my hair.. Aq lagi pengen ngeritingin rambut ala Korea yg namanya mool gyul waves, cuma berhubung ga punya alat catokan yg mendukung, jadinya aku kuncir kecil2 tanpa alat n hasilnya agak 'weird' mnrutq. Haha...

Kalo birthday gift dr my BF? Jangan ditanya deh.. Aq asli jealous banget ma cowo2 d luar sana yg super romantis n slalu ngasih kado yg 'touching' banget buat cewe nya pas ultah. Kalo my BF, heem... pelit banget. Huhuhu... Dia emang baek banget tp cuma kurang romntis aja kayak cowo2 di film Korea. Hehe...

And... Today I got an email! Why am I soo happy? Coz I got an email from IBB staff about IBB member registration. What's that mean? That means I become a member of Indonesia Beauty Blogger (IBB) now. Wohooo... Im sooo happy... Thanks IBB to give me this special 'gift'. :D

Aq udah blogging sejak bln januari kmren, dan awalnya ga pernah terbayang kalo aq bakal 'terjun' lebih dalam ke dunia beauty. Dulu kalo ga gabung dalam grup nya IBB, mungkin saat ini aq ga nge blog tentang beauty. Melalui IBB ini, aq dapet banyak pengetahuan soal beauty, seperti tutorial2 makeup dari beauty blogger lainnya, cara milih kuas makeup yang tepat, produk2 skincare, dll. Komunitas ini bagus banget buat cewek2 yg ga tau soal makeup ato pengen belajar makeup coz di komunitas ini kita smua sama2 belajar n bertukar 'ilmu' tntang makeup. Blog q ini sebenernya masih jauh banget dari sempurna, so kalo ada yang salah ato kurang, mohon kritik dan sarannya yaa... Hehe...
 Once again, thanks IBB n keep blogging!^^

Event Report: COLLECTION Mini Focus Group

Event Report: COLLECTION Mini Focus Group

Hi Girls!!
Post kali ini special buanget coz aku bukan mau nge review produk kayak biasanya, tapi aku mau ngasih review tentang beauty event yang baru2 aja aku ikutin di Hotel Plaza Surabaya. Acaranya dibagi jadi 2 sesi dan tiap sesi cuma dibatasi sampai 1,5 jam, maksimal 20 peserta. Acara ini dalam rangka memperkenalkan produk makeup asal UK yang namanya COLLECTION.

Honestly, produk ini sangat asing buat aku, bahkan pernah denger nama brand nya aja belum pernah sama sekali. Tapi ternyata, beberapa beauty blogger yang ikutan acara ini udah ada yang tau brand ini. Hemm.. mungkin aku yang agak kurang up to date kali yaa.. LOL.. Brand kosmetik yang satu ini mungkin masih belum terlalu familiar coz mereka belum ada counter resmi di Indonesia dan emang masih belum bisa diperkirakan kapan mereka akan masuk ke Indonesia. Tapi kayaknya mereka udah pelan2 untuk masuk ke pasar Indonesia. Tinggal ditunggu aja tanggal mainnya. Hehe…


Okay, back to the topic. Acara ini mungkin terlihat seperti meeting yang formal tapi acaranya santai dan enjoy banget. Representatif dari Collection ini namanya Ms. Donna dan dia yang ngasih penjelasan tentang brand Collection ini selama acara. Pas intro, beberapa peserta termasuk aku kayaknya agak2 ngantuk (haha…) soalnya pake bahasa inggris n ngomongnya juga agak kurang jelas coz logat British gitu.

Tapi pas produk2 Collection ditaruh di meja buat nyoba2, langsung deh pada excited semua. Haha… Produk2 yang dibagiin itu semuanya produk Collection, mulai dari eyeliner, foundation, lipstick, lipgloss, powder, nail polish, dll. Rasanya produk2 yang dibagikan itu lengkap banget kayak di website nya kecuali falsies yah.

Nah, ini dia beberapa ‘sample’ produk nya Collection. Ada liquid foundation, lip cream, nail polish, shimmer, gel liner, powder, dll. Aku ga nyzobain semua produknya coz waktunya terbatas n kita pada tuker2an gitu supaya bisa liat produk lainnya juga. Kesan pertama pas liat produk2nya Collection, aku langsung jatuh cinta coz warna2nya yang colourful n youthful. Selain itu, packagingnya juga rata2 elegan banget, jadi menambah kesan mewah produk2 Collection ini. Psstt, katanya produk Collection ini harganya rata2 terjangkau lho kayak Maybelline, Revlon, dll. Wow…

Sekarang emang lagi musimnya eyeliner warna-warni n Collection juga punya produk eyeliner warna-warni namanya Intense Colour Supersoft Kohl Pencils. Warnanya ada 6, dan di gambar (dari atas ke bawah) cuma Peacock Feather, French Kiss, dan Blue Belle. Pas aku cobain di tangan, harus agak ditekan gitu supaya warnanya nempel. Aku gak bisa bayangin deh kalo pas dipake di kelopak mata.

Pas nyoba2 produknya Collection, Ms. Donna ada nanyain produk yang baru pertama kali diliat langung mnarik parhatian yang mana? Aku nyebutin Glam Crystals Dazzling Gel Liner coz warnanya yang sparkling itu asli bikin mata jadi bling2. Haha… Aku emang paling suka gel liner yang satu ini coz warnanya yang bling2 n pas dipake pasti bikin makeup langsung terlihat glamour. Yeah, it’s my ”Collection”s favourite product!

Kalo liat produk Collection Cover & Go yang satu ini emang bikin mupeng. Gimana enggak? Produk ini adalah foundation duo ato kombinasi dari liquid foundation n cream concealer. Jadi di bagian tutupannya itu cream concealer buat menutupi imperfection di wajah kita plus ada kaca kecilnya juga. Trus di bawah penutupnya itu adalah liquid foundation yang tersedia dalam 6 shade. Unik buangeet kan, girlsss?

Untuk produk eyeshadow pallete nya emang masih dikit banget, cuma ada 4 varian  yaitu Smoky Eyes, Poptastic, Angelic, dan Bedazzled Glitter. Yang aku liat cuma smokey eyes eyeshadow pallete. Dalam 1 pallete, ada 9 shade dan shade dari kiri sampai kanan itu warnanya medium, dark, dan light.


I’m totally in love with Collection lipsticks! Pas nyolek2 lipstick2nya Collection, ada 1 lipstick yang aku suka banget sama warnanya yaitu Lasting Colour Lipstick no 15 (Birthday Suit). Teksturnya soft n high pigmented, warnanya yang nude juga asli bikin jatuh cinta. Selain itu, lipstick ini juga ada SPF 15 nya juga loh.

And… the BIG NEWS is……. kita semua dapet GOODIE BAG yang isinya rata2 10-12 item produk2nya Collection yang dibagiin buat dicoba2 sebelumnya. Wooww, suppeeerr excited! Thanks, COLLECTION! We are sooo happy! ^^

Abis selesai acara, dilanjutin sama ‘photo session’ bareng beauty blogger di Surabaya n Ms. Donna. Hehe… :D

 Foto bareng Surabaya Beauty Bloggers, Lina, Sabrina, Caroline, Yessy, Sasha, Selvi, dan Ms. Donna (yang paling kanan lupa namanya… >_<)

Nah, ini dia isi dari ‘goodie bag’ aku, totalnya ada 10 items... 

  • Lasting Perfection Foundation #Vanilla
  • No Clumps Black Mascara
  • Glam Crystal Dazzing Gel Liners #Le Freak
  • Glam Crystals Gel Liners #Va Va Voom
  • Work The Colour Eyeshadow Pencil #Vintage Blush
  • Work The Colour Eyeshadow Pencil #Gunmetal Glitz
  • Hotlights Lipgloss #Sparkle
  • Blush & Highlight Cream Duo #Strawberries & Cream
  • Work The Colour Trio Eyeshadow #Thunder Storm
  • Work The Colour Trio Eyeshadow #Chocolate Chip

Thank you for reading my blog
xoxo <3

Im Back!

Im Back!

Hi Girls...!
Well, it's been 17 days of no news, because this month is the busiest month ever! Please forgive my if I didn't update my blog at all. >_<
Mungkin beberapa di antara kalian udah tau kalo aku sibuk apaan nih bulan ini.
Yes, skripsi! Whoah, bener2 bulan yg super melelahkan deh bulan ini.
Tapi sekarang aku udah 'cukup' lega coz finally, kamis kmaren aku udah melewati sidang skripsi dan aku dinyatakan.......LULUS!!
Fiuh~~ Rasa capek, letih, lesu, dll otomatis hilang seketika pas selesai sidang. Walaupun pas sidang, aku cukup 'terpojok' dengan pertanyaan2 dari para dosen penguji, untungnya aku bisa memberi jawaban sesuai dengan pemahaman aku.
But, Im not completely free now coz masih harus revisi buku dan nyiapin surat2 kelengkapan untuk persyratan yudisium dan wisuda. Waktunya juga cuma 13 hari pula. Omg...
Tapi yang terpenting, sidang yang selalu 'menakutkan' itu udah terlewati dengan baik. Yay!
Akhirnya aku bakal nganggur dan mungkin bakal lebih sering 'setor muka'. Haha...
Thanks udah mampir & pls wait for my new review soon! 


Lens Review #2: Lettuce Brown 13.9mm (

Lens Review #2: Lettuce Brown 13.9mm (

Hi Lovelies!
Today I will be reviewing Lettuce Brown 13.9mm that was kindly sponsored by Thank you so much, ^^ Actually, sent me 2 pair of circle lenses for review purposes, but I will be reviewing this one first. :)

About KPOP2
KPOP2 is Korea based biggest colored contact lenses and glasess shop. KPOP2 carries arround 300 different kinds of cheap colored contact lenses and aims to become the world's biggest colored contact lens distribution company. They also carry the most favourite circle lens by girl & boy idol groups in Korea. 
For more details, please visit their website at:


So, KPOP2 already shipped my package on May 24th and I've received the package about 2 weeks ago. But, you guys know that I was very busy 2 weeks ago, so I just have time to make the review right now. First of all, Im soo happy and proud because this is my very first lenses that was directly shipped from Korea! Wow, Korea! I looove Korea soo much! That's why I was very excited to wait my "first package" from Korea last month, and KPOP2's service is really good and fast! Their online store also provide very cheap circle lenses, basically you can find a lot of "$10.99 circle lenses" in their online store. Altough they're cheap, but you will amazed by their really beautiful and unique design of circle lenses that you will not find in other circle lenses online store. And I would say that Im totally in love with those unique and beautiful circle lenses design on KPOP2's website.  

Anyway, so this is what the package that I received looks like. And it came in this simple pink plactic wrap and lined with bubble wrap. But dont worry about the circle lenses inside the package because they were pretty neat and wrapping with super thick bubble wrap! :)

And.. here's the product info from KPOP2:

Product Name: Lettuce Brown
Duration of Use: Max 1 Year (Recommended of Used Duration: 6 months)
Manufacturer: Korea
BC: 8.6mm
Moisture Content: 38%
Graphic Diameter: 13.9mm
Overall Diameter: 14.00mm
Price: $10.99

Natural eyes
(a) One In , (b) Window Light , (c) Indoor Light/Low Light
Indoor light (Low Light) : (a) right eye (b) left eye
Window light : (a) left eye (b) right eye

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆  4/5 stars
I think the design is really unique and unusual as its name "Lettuce", it looks like I can see a brown lettuce in my eyes. LOL. But what I just want to say that I really love this circle lens design and a thick brown outer ring makes the circle lens looks bigger and dolly. Actually I quite bored with other circle lens colors like grey, blue, and purple, that's why I always choose a new color when I bought a new pair of circle lens. Because of my natural eyes color is dark brown so maybe it isn't that noticeable in my eyes and looks like Im not wearing any circle lenses at all. But this is my most FAVOURITE circle lens right now because the design is absolutely unique and beautiful, and the color is really natural in my eyes. I can wear this circle lens for daily use and people may see if Im not wearing any circle lenses and start to adore my "natural-look" brown eyes.Haha. :D

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆  2/5 stars
Please don't ask the enlargement as you already know that the 13.9mm diameter of circle lens will not give your eyes an enlargement effect. But If you notice my eyes in a few minutes, maybe you will see that my eyes looks quite larger than usual. But, this lenses definitely do give a dolly-look but still natural in my eyes.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆  4/5 stars
In fact, I rather doubt that the circle lens will stay comfortable long hours in my eyes because this brand of circle lens is absolutely new for me and I really never heard of it before, so that's why I didn't expect too much when I received the lenses. Altough the moisture content is less than other circle lens, but this lenses is really amazed me with the comfort because I just need to use a little amount of eye drops and they retain moisture for 3-4 hours in my eyes. Shortly, I felt like not wearing any circle lenses at all. ;)

And... It's me wearing the lens... :D

  • Very unique and beautiful design
  • Blend easily in my eyes
  • Stay comfortable for long hours
  • Gives eyes a dolly look but still in natural way
  • Very cheap price for such a good quality like these lenses.
  • Suitable for everyday use

  • There's no enlargement effect since the lenses diameter is only 13.9mm
  • The color is too neutral in my dark brown eyes

- NO. If your natural eyes color is dark brown and you want a pop color lens
- YES! If your natural eyes color is dark brown and you still want a natural eyes look

To find this lenses, visit here

I give this Lettuce Brown Lenses ★★★★☆ 4/5 stars.

I just in love with this lenses because finally I get my "dream" brown lenses since I wasn't dare to try the natural color and always bought the pop color lenses. But, this lenses is definitely something because they look natural on my eyes and the design is definitely not boring. If the color is quite lighter and the diameter is bigger, maybe I will totally in love with this lenses. I will definitely use them for everyday use, but not for special event/party because using makeup doesn't help to make this circle lens color pop out. This lenses is perfect for everyone who wants their eyes look dolly but still natural and comfortable for a few hours.

And finally, thank you for visit my blog and spend your time to read this review. I hope you like this review and please tell me if you find any mistakes.:) If you don't mind, I would be very happy if you want to follow my BLOGLOVIN. Thank youuu... xoxo.

Much Love,

***Glory Chen***