REVIEW: Elianto Curvee Eyeliner Pen - Black

REVIEW: Elianto Curvee Eyeliner Pen - Black

Eyeliner is definitely one of must-have makeup products in my makeup pouch, and especially I prefer liquid eyeliner coz the tip is usually pointy-shaped and it's much easier to use. ^^ Actually I bought this eyeliner because as you can see, the packaging is totally different than other eyeliners and you should be curious about this eyeliner, it's the same with me too. lol.
Elianto Curvee Eyeliner Pen is the new generation in eye liners,with its curved,ergonomic design which offers firm yet comfortable grip for better control & much precise results.Its Waterproof formula lasts all day and won't run,transfer or smudge.Curvee is also refilable and free of parabens,volatile and formaldehyde-releasing compounds.

In case you didn't know, Elianto is derived from the Italian word, means "Sunflower". Really a beautiful name right? :) Elianto is actually owned by a Malaysian Company (Bonita Group of Companies) that focuses on makeup, skincare, fragrance, body care, nail care, and hair care products with their passion to delight their customers with the magic of beauty. It's really pleasant to know that their products enriched with nourishing and soothing botanical extracts so you can make sure that you'll only get the finest quality natural ingredients in their products and of course, with the affordable price. <3

Im so happy I got this eyeliner with a box and it provided with some useful informations about the eyeliner. This eyeliner box looks so elegant with the pretty flowers clip-art that symbolize the art of beauty. ;) 

As seen on photos, the Elianto curvee eyeliner comes in curve shape that looks uncommon compared to other liquid eyeliners that mostly pencil-like. Some people may not like to use the liquid eyeliner because it easily creating a mess while using it. But the curve-shape packaging design is actually the main secret to reduce the difficulty while using liquid eyeliner. The curve-shape design actually helps you to handle it comfortably so you can easily control it to create the perfect eyeliner shape.
Very elegant design. ^^ Can you resist it? >.<

The long and sharp brush tip will definitely make you to create a perfect line as your desire even for a beginner. Maybe the brush looks stiff but trust me it actually really soft and has good quality brush so it wouldn't hurt your eyes. The eyeliner also has a comfortable grip so it can be controlled to glide on my eyes easily. :)

The interesting part that will hardly make people not to love this eyeliner is it refillable! I bought this eyeliner at a department store and they also provide the refill so you don't need to repurchase the whole package, just change the refillable eyeliner pen or tube inside. Very easy right? ;)

The most important think that I think everyone would like to know from an eyeliner product, wether is it waterproof and smudgeproof or not. So the first thing I did was draw on my hand using the eyeliner and putting my hand under running water around 3-4 minutes. I found out the color stays well like I applied it before, and sure it makes me happy. ;)

Most of eyeliners products lately is offering the great waterproof formula and even long lasting up to 24 hours. But it doesn't guarantee that the eyeliner in your hand right now is also smudge-proof when you hardly rub it or maybe just slightly rub on it. That was also happened to me when I want to know the consistency of this eyeliner. So, I drew my name using the eyeliner on my hand and I tried to rub it hardly about 2-3 times and you get the answer below. Yeah, the color almost fade away at 3rd rub. Quite sad coz I hope it can be survived a little bit. :P

So here's I tried to draw a winged eyeliner and I thought this is the almost perfect winged eyeliner I've ever did even tough it still quite ordinary.. lolol...

And Some SELCAS... :D

- Super easy & comfortable to use even for beginners
- It refillable
- Long and soft brush tip
- Has comfortable grip that will follow your movement easily
- Waterproof & Long lasting (more than 8 hours)
- Very elegant design
- Quick drying

- Not so smudge-proof

Rating: 4.5 / 5
Regardless of not smudge-proof fact, this eyeliner becomes my favourite lately and mostly everyday I use it becoz it's more easier to use than other liquid eyeliners. I also think this eyeliner is better than my Etude Oh My Eye Line Liquid Eyeliner before. Im not really sure I'll find another liquid eyeliner that has a comfortable grip like this. This eyeliner is a good one and I would love to recommend this, it has a thick black color, waterproof, long lasting and also refillable! ^^

So, will you give this eyeliner a try? Or have you tried this before? Please let me know what do you think about or I would love it if you also recommend your favourite eyeliner below.. :3

Hope you enjoy.. ^^

My Christmas Eve's Ceremony Look

My Christmas Eve's Ceremony Look

I hope it's not too late, but I just wanna say...
In today's post I want to share my look (fotd+outfit) on Christmas Eve (Dec 24th). :P But let me tell you a little story about a few things I did to celebrate christmas. :)
Yanno I was so busy on 24th because I had to help my aunt to make 200 cup of puddings before 06.00 PM while my aunt made 200 "lemper" ( looks like an oval rice and filled with beef mince ). Hehe.. Fortunately, I had done 200 cups of pudding before 05.00 PM with help from my little cousin.
After everything has been done, I prepared myself before go to church. But, I also did a 'little' eye makeup on my aunt because she never wear eye makeup. I felt nervous too because that is my first time did eye makeup on other people. Haha...

My Aunt (Left) & Her Husband. Actually I usually call her "cece". Lol.

After all preparations completed, my families and I went to church around 6.30 PM. On that day, my aunt and her husband served as worship leaders and my aunt-by-marriage (rightmost) as one of the singers on Cristmas Eve Ceremony at Church.

Church's Choir :)

On Christmas Eve Ceremony, there's always Candle Light service at my church and accompanied by "Silent Night" song.
 My Uncle during the Candle Light Service. :P

After candle light service, then the light turned on again and also the Christmas lights. I really love the Christmas tree at my church. :)

 After Christmas Eve ceremony, my families took some photos and also with the preacher of the day. My families always take some photos everywhere and everytime or simply said "narsis". Haha... They really bothered me on that day because my families asked me to take their pictures using handphone camera, etc. lol.
Me with my lil cousin (left) & the naughty lil boy a.k.a my youngest bro. Pls ignore my dark circles. :P

With my Lil Cousin, "Roger" :D

Roger (cousin) & Richard (lil bro). I wish I have a little sister. :P

 Im between two "Divas" a.k.a my Aunty-by-marriage and my Aunty a.k.a Cece Dyna. Lol

And it's a MUST to take some SELCAS after Christmas Eve Ceremony. Hahaha....

I borrowed this Santa Claus Hat from my Grandma before took some photos at home. LOL. In case you want to know, the dress I wore in this post was made by my BF's mum. The color, pattern, and design all completely Gorgeous! Super love it! :D

When I was helping my aunt in the afternoon, I also curled my hair but without curler iron at all! Wanna know how I did it? So you should check Bubz's Youtube and see how she could do her natural curl hair without curler iron at all. And the result is really awesome! :)
So, how do u celebrate Christmas? Please share your stories below. ^^ And what do you think about my look? Haha...
xoxo. <3

Christmas Celebration Giveaway Winners Announced!

Christmas Celebration Giveaway Winners Announced!

Hi Beauties!!
Thank you so much buat yang udah berpartisipasi dalam Christmas Celebration Giveaway aku dan thanks juga buat semua saran nya. ^^ Kebanyakkan saran yg aku baca yaitu bikin tutorial makeup yang banyak. Aku tau itu kekurangan utama dari blog ini. Haha... 

Sebenarnya aku pengen banget bikin tutorial makeup kecil2an cuman seringan ga pede, ga mood, sibuk. Haha...  But I promise I'll do the makeup tutorial starting next month or next year. lol. Thanks buat yg ud ngasih saran, aku akan brusaha untuk bkin blog ini jauh lebih baik lagi tahun depan. ^^

So, buat yg udah penasaran dengan 2 pemenang giveaway ini, langsung saja aku umumkan pemenangnya. ^^
 1st Winner ^^

And the 2nd Winner :)

CONGRATZ yaa buat 2 pemenang yg terpilih dan buat yg blum trpilih tetap semangat ya. :) Untuk pemenang, seperti yang udah dijanjikan kalo hadiahnya berupa 1 pasang softlens untuk masing2 pemenang. Silakan masing2 kalian milih 1 pasang softlens dari album King Size Softlens di FB: PinkyGyaru.Shop. ^^

Aku udah kirim email ke 2 pemenang dan untuk konfirmasi pemenang ditunggu maks. 2x24 jam yah. Kalo ga ada konfirmasi lewat dari 2 hari, maka pemenang akan dipilih lagi secara acak. And btw untuk para pemenang jangan lupa dengan rule terakhir giveaway ini yaitu membuat post tentang hadiah giveaway ini ya... Dan sekali lagi aku ucapin trima kasih bwat yg udah berpartisipasi dalam giveaway ini dan nantikan giveaway aku berikutnya. Hehe... :D

Thank youuuu....! ^-^

8 Last Minute Easy DIY Christmas Gift Ideas

8 Last Minute Easy DIY Christmas Gift Ideas

Hey Pretty Girls!
Ga terasa natal yg selalu dinanti2 kan oleh umat Kristiani tiap taon akhirnya tinggal 2 hari lagi. Yeah~! Hehe... Tiap liburan Natal banyak yg mudik alias ngerayain Natal bareng keluarga, jalan2 ke luar kota, ato bahkan ngerayain Natal di luar negeri (aku kapan ya... haha...). Tapi intinya, dimanapun kita berada, pas hari Natal, umumnya seluruh umat Kristiani pergi ke gereja untuk merayakan hari kelahiran Sang Juruselamat kita semua. :)

Momen pas Natal itu emang salah satu momen yg sangat spesial dan penuh dengan kegembiraan. Di hari Natal yg indah ini pasti kita semua ga sekedar merayakannya dengan ke gereja, ngumpul bareng keluarga/teman, tapi kita pun pasti juga ingin memberikan kado Natal yang spesial untuk orang2 terdekat kita. Di post kali ini, aku sengaja sharing contoh DIY Christmas Gifts karena hasil buatan tangan sendiri itu tentu menimbulkan kepuasan tersendiri dan yg menerima hadiah dari kamu pun merasa jadi orang yg spesial banget. So, what ar u waitin' for? Let's have a look! :D

1. Homemade Christmas Cookies & Chocolates
Who loves cookies? I did! Sapa sih yg ga suka kue2, permen, ato coklat? Apalagi kalo bentuknya lucu2 dan kemasannya juga super cute. :D Kamu bisa ngasih hadiah natal berupa kue2 kering bertema natal buatanmu sendiri. Ato buat yg biasa bikinin coklat, ehem.. pas valentine, bisa juga kok bikin coklat bertema natal buat dijadikan hadiah natal untuk sahabat. Kamu bisa cari inspirasi kue2 Natal dari buku2 resep ato bisa cari video tutorialnya di Youtube. Easy man! Hehe.. Kalo cookies ato coklat buatanmu udah selesai, jangan lupa dibungkus dalam kotak yg lucu ato bisa juga cari toples kecil, terus dihias secantik mungkin pake pita dll. dan selipkan kartu natal. ;)

2. Cute Christmas Keychain / Handphone Strap
Kebanyakkan cewek2 udah jago bikin kerajinan dari kain flanel alias felt. Dan kamu bisa manfaatin kain2 felt dan benang2 sulam itu untuk bikin gantungan kunci atau bisa juga gantungan hape bertema natal mungkin bentuk christmas tree, snowman, santa, reindeer, dll. Hadiah ini cocok banget buat sahabat cewek ato saudara cewek kamu. ^^

3. Cute Christmas Pouch
Cewek2 biasanya suka banget pake pouch yang lucu2 buat naruh hape, nyimpen uang koin, dll. Ini saatnya kamu ngasih hadiah pouch bertema natal buatanmu sendiri. Bahan yg paling gampang bisa pake kain flanel dan dikasih hiasan2 dari kain flanel bermotif pohon natal, santa klaus, dll.

4. Pretty Christmas Floral Headband
Pengen ngasih sahabat hadiah Natal yg spesial buatan sendiri dan ga pake ribet? Coba deh klik gambar flower headband di bawah ini, bahan2nya ga banyak dan cara bikinnya juga praktis banget. Kamu juga bisa membuat flower headband kreasimu sendiri dengan warna-warna bertemakan natal. Hasilnya dijamin bikin sahabat kamu seneng dan makin pede pake headband buatanmu. ;)
Click Here to See Tutorial :)
5. 1 set of Christmas Design False Nails
Suka mempercantik kuku kamu dengan teknik nail art? Kemampuan nail art mu itu bisa dijadikan hadiah natal buat sahabat / sodara cewek kamu lho. Tinggal beli 1 set kuku palsu berwarna putih polos atau transparan dan waktunya nail art time! Karena ini temanya natal, kamu bisa cari inspirasi desain nail art bertema Natal dan salah satunya kayak di gambar ini. :) Cewek manapun pasti suka banget punya kuku yg cantik alias girly gitu dan menganggap kamu orangnya care banget lho. Yippie..^^

 6. A Letter from Santa (Include Cinema Tickets or Concert Tickets etc.)
Pas bulan Desember biasanya di bioskop diputer film2 Natal yg keren2. Kalo sahabat ato sodara cewek kamu suka nonton film, coba kasih sedikit kejutan kecil buat mereka. Buat sebuah surat sekreatif mungkin dan seolah2 dari Santa Klaus dan jangan lupa selipkan 2 tiket nonton buat kamu dan sahabat di dalam amplop. :D Selain tiket nonton, bisa juga tiket konser ato mungkin voucher belanja. Sahabat mu pasti akan terharu dan selalu mengingat kejutan kecil dari kamu. :)

7. Top Selection of Christmas Music by Your Choice
Kalo beli CD album lagu2 Natal udah biasa. Tapi kalo CD berisi lagu2 Natal pilihan kamu pasti dijamin beda dan orang yg kamu kasih pun pasti terkesan dan penasaran dengan lagu2 pilihanmu. :') Ato kalo kamu merasa punya kelebihan di bidang tarik suara dan poin plus kalo kamu bisa main alat musik misalnya gitar, dll. , kamu bisa coba meng-cover lagu2 Natal. Lalu di copy ke CD ato upload di Youtube ato Facebook dan jangan lupa tag dan kasih pesan untuk sahabat tercinta mu. ;)

8. Christmas Bracelet
Cewek manapun pasti suka pake yg namanya aksesoris entah kalung, cincin, ato mungkin gelang. Sahabat kamu pasti sangat senang pake aksesoris buatan kamu di hari Natal yg spesial. :)

And finally, sebenarnya masih banyak DIY christmas gifts ideas lainnya tapi semoga sedikit ide dari post ini bisa menginspirasi teman2 smua untuk memberi hadiah Natal yg spesial bagi keluarga, sahabat, dll. :) Mungkin kalo ada ide DIY christmas gifts lainnya, bisa share juga di bawah. Dan semoga Damai Natai Menyertai Kita Semua. God Bless You All. ^^


Review: Etude House Milk Talk Choco Body Wash [sample]

Review: Etude House Milk Talk Choco Body Wash [sample]

Hi Gals!
Aku jarang nge review sample tapi pas dapet sample ini aku langsung ga sabar tuk nyobain. Desain packaging nya itu lho, super cute banget khasnya Etude. Plus jarang nemu body wash aroma coklat kayak gini jadi penasaran gitu. Hehe... Etude Milk Talk Body Wash ini ada 5 varian yaitu strawberry milk, banana milk, apple milk, steam milk, dan chocolate milk. Kalo yg belum pernah liat Etude Milk Talk Body Wash ini sebelumnya pasti ngirain ini minuman susu rasa buah atau yoghurt gitu, aromanya itu lho menggoda banget. Hehe... 
Moisturizing body wash supplies rich foam, texture and fragrant scent for soft, cleansed skin, milk extract makes moist body and sweet scent makes feeling better.

Etude Milk Talk Body Wash ini tersedia dalam ukuran full size (200ml), gift set (3 pieces, @20ml), dan sample size. Yg sample size ini bisa untuk sekali pakai, pas banget kalo pengen nyoba2 dulu. Hehe...

Teksturnya creamy cenderung watery berwarna coklat muda dan ada butiran2 coklatnya juga. Pas dituang sedikit di tangan, aroma coklat nya yg relaxing langsung tercium. Buat yg doyan coklat dijamin bakal fall in love ma body wash yg satu ini karena aroma susu coklat nya lembut ga cuma bikin kulit jadi moist dan segar tapi juga bikin pikiran jadi rileks. Sayang banget ini adalah body wash, kalo ga... Haha..

Sebenarnya aku berharap body wash ini lebih banyak busanya sih pas dipake, kalo pengen busanya lebih banyak mungkin lebih enak kalo pake sponge. :P Walaupun ada butiran2 coklat tapi ga da scrub nya sama sekali, teksturnya lembut banget. Body wash yg mengandung milk biasanya abis dipake bikin kulit terasa lengket yg bikin aku kurang suka. Tapi pas pake body wash ini perasaan lengket itu cuma terasa pas dipake, setelah dibilas udah ga terasa lagi. Hehe..

- Aroma coklatnya kental banget tapi tetap lembut
- Aromanya bikin pikiran jadi rileks
- Kulit jadi terasa halus dan lembap
- Ga meninggalkan kesan lengket di kulit setelah pemakaian
- Suka banget dengan idenya Etude bikin body wash aroma coklat.. :D

- Busanya ga terlalu banyak
-  Aromanya hilang perlahan2 setelah dibilas

Rating: 4 / 5
Setelah nyobain salah satu sample nya, aku jadi pengen beli yg full size plus penasaran juga sama yg aroma lainnya kayak banana dan steam milk. Hehehe... Kalo body wash aroma bunga, strawberry dan apel kayaknya udah biasa deh, tapi kalo aroma coklat baru beda. :D Tiap varian body wash ini juga ada sponge nya masing2 bentuk buah. Unyu banget.. Hehe..

PS. Don't forget to join my giveaway to win a pair of circle lenses of your choice. Until Dec 25th :)